Tribe Carabini
*Note: Only one genus within the Tribe Carabini is found in Virginia orchards.
Genus Calosoma
Large to very large forms; elongate and oblong-oval in shape, convex; antennae with third segment compressed; mandibles distinctly curved, without a fixed seta in the scrobe; labrum entire; procoxal cavities open posteriorly; metacoxae contiguous. The members of this genus feed almost entirely on cutworms, caterpillars, and other injurious larvae.
a. Calosoma scrutator
Elongate-ovate, robust, convex; head, legs, and pronotum deep blue or purple, the pronotum margined with gold, green, or metallic red; elytra metallic green, margined with red or gold; beneath with metallic green, red, and blue reflex. Pronotum strongly transverse, almost entirely smooth; sides sharply curved, base and apex equal in width; posterior angles rounded; disk with a median impressed line. Elytra with numerous fine, punctate striae. Mesotibiae of male arcuate, with a dense patch of hairs on inner surface near apex. Length 25 - 35 mm. This very beneficial beetle often climbs trees in search of its favorite food - caterpillars. Hence it is often called the searcher or catepillar hunter. It comes in large numbers at times to lights and is especially common in spring.