Genus Harpalus
Of large or medium size, oblong, labial palpi with next to last segment bearing several setae and longer than the last segment; anterior clypeal angles lacking setigerous punctures or with only one; pronotum usually transverse; elytral intervals without setigerous punctures or with a single puncture on third stria; protibiae not fossorial, outer angle only slightly prolonged; first segment of metatarsi not as long as the two following combined.
Key to selected species
1. Elytra without a dorsal puncture on third interval...........................................................................2
Elytra with a small dorsal puncture on third interval behind middle and near second stria................................................................................................................................a. herbivagous
2. Color orange brown; elytra deeply sinuate at apex, outer angle acute in female..............................................................................................................................b. erythropus
Black, piceous, or dark - reddish brown above; elytra only slightly sinuate, outer angle not acute in female...........................................................................................................................................3
3. Legs black; submentum not dentate.... ...........................................................................c. caliginosus
Legs and antennae reddish brown; submentum dentate...................................................d. pennsylvanicus